GTMods Scania T730 v 1.0.8 [REL]

GTMods Scania T730 v 1.0.8 [REL] – Euro Truck Simulator 2 Mod

ETS 2 Mod: GTMods Scania T730 v 1.0.8 [REL]

Euro Truck Simulator 2 mods
GTMods Scania T730 v 1.0.8 [REL]
It is fully autonomous model truck available Scania dealer in the EU and the UK ( large dealers or buy online ) .
Complete lists of content :
1. Three sizes of cabins
-Highline with spoiler
Topline – top with spoiler
2 . Three types of chassis
Short -6×2
Short -6×4
3 . Interior 3 types for each cabin (interiors to order – with a flat floor , as in real life) Hooded seen
- Standard
- Exclusive
4 all engines Scania, available from Propper T icons
5 thresholds for all types of tractor and cab available
6 Peaks , mirrors, door handles , bullbars, roof and bottombars, put the same as those on the Scania R R2009
7 custom parts added
8 stanadrtnyh four skins available + 2 + 10 new custom colors
9 is compatible with most new parts addon for R2009 and R2008
10 names written in easily def files for maximum ease of setup
Game Version: 1.8.x , 1.9
models – GT-Mike
- new bullbar – Taipei
- Additional models ( hose connector , hoses, hood side vents ) – used due VLASTA
texture SCS Software
Download: GTMods Scania T730 v 1.0.8 [REL] []
Download: GTMods Scania T730 v 1.0.8 [REL] []

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