Kenworth Long edition v 1.0

Kenworth Long edition v 1.0 – Euro Truck Simulator 2 Mod

ETS 2 Mod: Kenworth Long edition v 1.0

Euro Truck Simulator 2 mods
Kenworth Long edition v 1.0
Fully independent model . Bought in the cabin MAN.
Spelled ” step” parlor camera to move to a sleeping compartment .
When you press the “o”, GPS changes to the camera in front bumper.
When you press the “F”, included a rearview camera monitor in the sleeping compartment , thus it is necessary to turn the mouse back (if necessary to catch the position at which the camera is active )
Two variants of the sound (ZZzzKenworth_Long_sound_engine_CatC15-Kriechbaum.scs – added a mod )
For game version
Authors (Howlin): pete379jps, Cerritos.
Envelope, animation and registration in ETS2 – “dmitry68″ and “Stas556″
Sound: Kriechbaum (big thanks for your work!)
Added on Wheels “preta”
Download: Kenworth Long edition v 1.0 []
Download: Kenworth Long edition v 1.0 []

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