Mercedes MP3 Interior + Tuning v
01 February 2014
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Mercedes MP3 Interior + Tuning v – Euro Truck Simulator 2 Mod
ETS 2 Mod: Mercedes MP3 Interior + Tuning v
Euro Truck Simulator 2 mods
Mercedes MP3 Interior + Tuning v
1. Its texture salon.
2 . Built-in browser.
3 . Real emblem not only cars but also in the game.
4 . Built on the nameplates mod engine . When selecting the engine and its installation were obtained respectively nameplates on the cab .
5 . Hood installed when you select the driver plate , not in lieu of the plate and with her. Author of the blessing to splinter – driver 102 rus. Prohibition of the use was not pereteksturivanie and my amendment .
6. The mod used early achievements of the Polish author Kuba 141 – it is a choice of blue or black screens when installing car cabin.
Tested :
Credits: Фемида, Kuba141
Download: Mercedes MP3 Interior + Tuning v []
Download: Mercedes MP3 Interior + Tuning v []
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