Download WinPatrol
12 April 2014
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March 22nd, 2014:
Download WinPatrol 30.5.2014.1
Code Signing Security Certificate Included WinPatrol runs on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 including x64 versions.
We recommend you install our newest version directly over your current WinPatrol. No need to remove your previous version. or reactivate PLUS.
WinPatrol v30.5.2014.1 MSI version
Release Date: March 22nd, 2014
WinPatrol for Windows 98/W2K
Task Catcher (386 KB)
Task Catcher Info (x64 support not available)
WinPatrolToGo (896 KB)
WinPatrolToGo Info
WinPatrol Removal Program (589 KB) New
This is a single program WinPatrolRemove.exe which will remove all files and registry entries created by installing WinPatrol. After running this file it will be removed automatically the next time you reboot.
Thank you to Scotty's International volunteers and friends
Version 30.5.2014.1 builds are on their way More WinPatrol 2014 Translations Coming Soon
These translations are the work of wonderful volunteer friends of Scotty. We are grateful for their hard work and participation. BillP Studios is not responsible for their content.
Many have completed their work but with changes to our 2014, interface release of local versions will come after some additional testing and enhancements.
Localized Setups
25. Maaliskuuta 2014
25 Maart 2014
25 Marca 2014
27.Februar 2014
06 de marzo de 2014
More Updated Builds in Progress
Stand alone language packs will soon be available from more of our friends outside the US.
These scripts are created by volunteers and can be imported using Regedit or older versions of Internet Explorer. After downloading the newest WinPatrol in English you can run these language scripts until we have a complete setup available in your native language.
These translations are currently incomplete
To localize your own version or volunteer to localize a new language see our Localize WinPatrol Instructions and additional languages.
Terima Kasih Telah Berkunjung, Semoga Bermanfaat dan Jangan Lupa Komentar ya.....!!!!
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