Download BitTorrent For Windows
11 May 2014
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BitTorrent is a torrent client for
sharing data via the BitTorrent protocol. The software enables users to
share, search, download and upload application, music, video, document,
picture and other files. BitTorrent supports download of multiple files
in parallel from different peers. For every download or upload the
interface shows download and upload speed, file size, file name,
progress, seeds, peers etc. Overall usage can be monitored in tabular
and graphical views. New torrent or magnet files (compatible with
Azureus) can be added through torrent sites or from within BitTorrent.
Some of its advanced features include:
Some of its advanced features include:
- Bandwidth limiter
- Data transfer quota limiter
- Download scheduler
- IP Blocklist
- Magnet URI
- Data transfer quota limiter
- Proxy support
- Web Interface
- Multiple languages
BitTorrent Stable (7.9.1 build 30769)
For Windows (1.57 MB)English (US) - April 9, 2014
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