Download eMule 0.50a
11 May 2014
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Download eMule |
Note: The installer comes with all languages. The binaries only come with 4 (English,German,French,Spanish). Additional languages can be downloaded by eMule on demand (select the language from the eMule preferences). To the ED2k-Links of current versions... Installer v0.50a Downloads: 4,630,282 | All Versions: 448,245,578 Download This application installs or updates eMule by a setup routine interactively, containing all languages and help files. Binaries v0.50a Downloads: 307,033 | All Versions: 44,218,801 Download This archive contains only the files you need to run eMule and needs to be unzipped, with 4 languages only Sourcecode v0.50a Downloads: 191,075 | All Versions: 21,410,970 Download This archive contains only the sourcefiles of this release and needs to be unzipped. For developers. For a list of all previous versions, visit the download page of this project on! |
Extras and additional tools |
eMule part file access module v0.5.1 for VideoLAN v1.0.5 Because an eMule part file usually does not contain a complete media stream, VLC has to scan the entire file to find all actually available data. The process of scanning the entire file may take a rather long time, depending on the actual data available and the file size. This access module will evaluate the eMule part.met file of the corresponding part file to determine what file data is actually available. With this information, the access module is capable of creating a virtual media stream without any gaps and will feed this media stream right into VLC, and thus VLC will no longer have to scan the entire file, because it will "see" only the actually available data in the part file. More information is available in the Readme (also in the download) and in the documentation. Download Plugin Download Plugin Sources eMule Shell Extension v1.1.0 Download Shell Extension Download Shell Extension Sources Web Browser Search Add-On for Firefox Download Search Add-On for Firefox Link Creator The Link Creator is a convenient tool for generating eD2k links in various formats. Especially useful for creating links with HTTP sources. Web masters: See this help topic how the HTTP links can greatly help releasing popular files. Download Link Creator Download Link Creator Sources MuleMRTG MRTG - Multi Router Traffic Grapher is a tool which displays this information as graphs in HTML documents. The Windows NT series (NT, 2k, XP, 2003) is able to log and display performance information with the built in perfmon console. eMule (v.42.1+) is also able to log some performance data in the same format as perfmon does. Please read these installation information first! Then download the installer of MRTG for eMule. Media Info MediaInfo is a project to display extended information on media files and also provides the MediaInfo.dll which can be copied to eMule's install directory to show more information on media files in the Show Details dialog. It even checks if the file extension is correct according to the file's header. Download MediaInfo.dll |
Help files |
Helpfiles contain a lot of useful information, explanation, FAQ and guides. Download the helpfile of your choice into the eMule installation folder! Then press F1 within eMule to start the help! English (v.44a) German (v.43b) French [Ogmios] (v.30c) Spanish [linux_rodo] (v.42f) Chinese traditional [CML] (v.43b) Italian [enkyDEV Team] (v.27c) Portuguese (Brazil) [CrazyHorse] (v.42f) |
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