Download nLite

nLite for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1?

Ever since I released the nLite update after so many years, I am getting the same question: will there be nLite for Windows 7+, is current nLite update all there is?
The answer is that I am working on such a tool, release date is unknown, but it can be counted in months, not years.
Unfortunatelly my quality bar is now much higher so I will not be releasing alpha versions to the public, still considering betas.
I'll post news here as soon as there is any, in the meantime nLite will be updated as it would be if I never left.
  • upd: 7z.exe to 9.20
  • upd: Added a warning if ISO creation was skipped
  • upd: Added a warning about KB2686509 compatibility with tweaks and removals
  • fix: OEM Branding option caused a generic error occured in gdi+
  • fix: Direct KB975254 integration for XP Pro
  • upd: Brazilian Portuguese translation

Terima Kasih Telah Berkunjung, Semoga Bermanfaat dan Jangan Lupa Komentar ya.....!!!!

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