Download TaskSwitchXP 2.0.11
30 June 2014
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TaskSwitchXP - Alt-Tab Replacement for XP
TaskSwitchXP is an advanced task management utility that picks up where the standard Windows Alt-Tab switcher leaves off. It provides the same functionality, and adds visual styles to the dialog and also enhances it by displaying thumbnail preview of the application that will be switched to.TaskSwitchXP supports a few built-in interface schemes. It dynamically adapts to the current Windows XP theme, provides customizable font and color settings for each user in the system.
You can choose preview and list styles, appearance effects, opacity of the switcher window and more. Make your everyday environment to look whatever you want!
System requirements
TaskSwitchXP requires features present only in Windows XP/2003 operating systems. All older and newer versions of Windows are not supported!
TaskSwitchXP does NOT support Windows Vista and 7, use VistaSwitcher on the new OS.
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