Download NetDrive

NetDrive - The Network Drive for Windows

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  • Direct access to cloud storage from your desktop
  • Manage FTP, WebDAV and NAS servers as virtual drives
  • Connect Google Drive, Amazon S3 and more

Cloud storage supported

  • ftp-webdav
  • google-drive
  • onedrive
  • box
  • amazon-webservices
  • open-stack


Cloud storage as hard disk

Managing your favorite cloud storage cannot be easier. Just provide cloud login information, and all cloud storages will automatically appear as your virtual drive each time you start your PC.
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NAS storage as virtual drive

You can connect to NAS servers by WebDAV or FTP. Many NAS vendors recommend NetDrive as a standard way to mount their NAS products. Share your NAS easily with anyone as virtual drive.

SFTP to securely transfer files

NetDrive supports secure file transfer by SFTP (SSH File Transfer protocol) . Unlike standard File Transfer Protocol (FTP), SFTP encrypt commands and data both, preventing passwords and sensitive information from being transmitted in the clear over a network.
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  • System requirements

    Microsoft Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP,
    Windows Server 2003/2008/2012.

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