Download Sandboxie 4.12 Free

Stay safe on the Internet with Sandboxie
  • Run programs in a sandbox to prevent rogue software, unwanted programs, spyware, viruses, worms, and other malware from making permanent changes to your machine
  • Protect yourself or your company from a wide variety of attacks - ranging from botnets to banking Trojans and ransomware to run of the mill viruses
  • Configure your own sandboxes to meet your specific needs
  • Trial the Sandboxie Free version, buy the Sandboxie Pro version or upgrade to an enterprise grade product with Invincea FreeSpace™ to take advantage of invisible protection, central management, behavioral based malware detection & reporting, malware forensics capture, threat intelligence feeds

Sandboxie is the #1 Windows Program on LifeHacker

Let's admit it: sometimes, even though we know it's wrong, we all open the occasional sketchy program or file. We're not judging, but if you're going to do it, at least use protection. Enter Sandboxie, which lets you run programs independent of the rest of your system. That way they can't infect, access, or otherwise interfere with your Windows installation. It's also great for testing apps you aren't sure of or running multiple instances of an app that won't let you, so it's fun for the whole family.

Download Sandboxie

Sandboxie version 4.12 ... Released on 29 May 2014.

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