Have you ever emailed files to yourself or forgotten your
memory stick on the go? Do you want to access your files from anywhere?
Want to share documents, pictures or large media files with your friends
or family? If you've answered one question with “yes”, you should take a
closer look at Wuala, the online file store owned by LaCie.
Wuala is not just some online storage solution, it's much more than that! Wuala is...
Wuala is based on unique and innovative technology.
Like you, we care about security. That's why all data is encrypted and stored in different locations.
Share your files with friends, family or co-workers. Send a link to
your friends, who can access your files instantly. Or create a group to
share your files with family or co-workers.
Download Wuala for Windows
Download Wuala and follow the instructions below. We support Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7 and 8. |
Run the Wuala Setup application
A window will open asking what you want to do with a file called WualaSetup.exe. Click Run.
Follow the Setup Wizard
Once the download has finished a warning message may appear. Click Yes. The Wuala Setup Wizard will start and guide you through the rest of the installation.
Start Wuala
After the installation has finished, you can open Wuala at any
time by clicking the Wuala icon located either on your desktop or in the
Start Menu.
Download Wuala for Mac
Download Wuala and follow the instructions below. You need Mac OS X 10.6 or higher to use Wuala. |
Open the Downloads window
Open your web browser's Downloads window and double-click on the Wuala entry.
Install Wuala
Install Wuala by dragging the Wuala icon to the Applications folder.
Download Wuala for Linux
About Java
Make sure Java (at least version 1.6) is installed. We recommend a Sun VM or OpenJDK, GCJ is not supported.
Debian, Ubuntu and Derivatives
Use our repository at repo.wuala.com:
Download the appropriate installer:
The package installs Wuala and registers our repository for further updates.
Upgrade an existing installation (if you want to preserve online time and local settings):
- Stop wuala and make sure the WualaDrive is correctly unmounted afterwards
- Install as described above but do not start it up yet
- Rename the folder wuala in your home directory to .wuala
Edit the file Wuala.cfg in the .config directory in you home directory and change the line starter=/home/.../wuala to starter=/usr/bin/wuala
You can start Wuala from the application menu (applications > network).
Notes for Debian 5 and 6
Your local user needs to be in the fuse group (you may have to login again):
addgroup USERNAME fuse
Fedora, Red Hat, CentOS
Download the appropriate installer:
The package installs Wuala and registers our repository for further updates.
Upgrade an existing installation (if you want to preserve online time and local settings):
- Stop wuala and make sure the WualaDrive is correctly unmounted afterwards
- Install as described above but do not start it up yet
- Rename the folder wuala in your home directory to .wuala
Edit the file Wuala.cfg in the .config directory in you home directory and change the line starter=/home/.../wuala to starter=/usr/bin/wuala
Notes on CentOS, Red Hat
Your local user needs to be in the fuse group (you may have to login again):
usermod -a -G fuse USERNAME
Download the appropriate installer:
The package installs Wuala and registers our repository for further updates.
Upgrade an existing installation (if you want to preserve online time and local settings):
- Stop wuala and make sure the WualaDrive is correctly unmounted afterwards
- Install as described above but do not start it up yet
- Rename the folder wuala in your home directory to .wuala
Edit the file Wuala.cfg in the .config directory in you home directory and change the line starter=/home/.../wuala to starter=/usr/bin/wuala
Notes for OpenSuse since version 11.2
Make sure Sun Java is your default jvm: sudo /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --config java and select Sun Java.
Other distributions
1. Installation prerequisites
For better system integration we recommend libfuse2, fuse-utils and xdg-utils.
2. Download Wuala
Download Wuala and extract to your home directory.
3. Start Wuala
Start Wuala by double-clicking on ~/wuala/wuala.
Terima Kasih Telah Berkunjung, Semoga Bermanfaat dan Jangan Lupa Komentar ya.....!!!!
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