Update Patch Euro Truck Simulator 2 V. 1.13.3

Euro Truck Simulator 2 | Update


Update your copy of the game to version 1.13.3!

Please do not apply this patch manually to Steam edition of the game. It will be applied automatically.

What's new in this update:



  • Steam achievements (available only in the Steam version, activate the game in the Steam client to obtain them)
  • Added functionality to unbind keys/buttons/axes in game ui
  • Added cruise control grid option
  • Cruise control speed limited to truck speed limit speed (if enabled)
  • Quickload and quicksave
  • Bindable keys/buttons for increasing and decreasing of radio volume


  • Fixed speed limits in some countries (Belgium, France, Poland, Slovakia)
  • Fixed license plate generation in some cities (Graz, Klagenfurt, Ostrava)
Terima Kasih Telah Berkunjung, Semoga Bermanfaat dan Jangan Lupa Komentar ya.....!!!!

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