Foxit PhantomPDF Business
05 December 2016
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Foxit PhantomPDF Business Final Full - Foxit PhantomPDF Business adalah PDF toolkit untuk membuat dokumen PDF profesional mencari dan bentuk untuk tugas-tugas seperti mengembangkan dokumen pribadi , menerapkan kolaborasi workgroup , merancang bentuk perusahaan, memproduksi jaminan perusahaan , menyelesaikan perjanjian , menerapkan tanda tangan digital , atau pengarsipan dokumen .
- Easy-to-use review and commenting tools
- Add comments or suggestions using notes.
- Highlight, underline, or use one of many other tools to bring attention to specific text.
- Easily correct mistakes by cancelling the last action with Redo & Undo feature.
- New editing tools include Typewriter, Callout, Textbox, and Measure tools
- Add your comments on your PDF document.
- Use Typewriter Tool to fill forms.
- Create comments in a callout text box.
- Measure distances and areas of objects in PDF documents.
- XFA Form Filling
- XFA (XML Form Architecture) form filler is used to fill forms with XFA elements, allowing you to leverage existing XFA forms.
- Microsoft Windows Server Active Directory Rights Management Service support
- Open an RMS-protected PDF Document.
- Improve information security, meet compliance requirements.
- Save time and money with improved business processes.
- Free spell checker for comments
- Find any spelling errors and highlight them with squiggly lines.
Terima Kasih Telah Berkunjung, Semoga Bermanfaat dan Jangan Lupa Komentar ya.....!!!!
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