FastPictureViewer 1.9

FastPictureViewer Pro, the fastest image viewer, EVER.
Designed for photographers. Built for speed. Runs on Windows 8.x, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP, all editions.
Save time: preview, cull and rate pictures faster than ever before!
Time is money! Go for the fastest image viewer!
Time is money!
  • No import or ingest phase: point FastPictureViewer Professional at your image's folder and start reviewing, culling and rating within seconds, in RAW or JPEG format, be it ten images or ten thousands: no wait.
  • While you evaluate an image, FastPictureViewer uses the power of your computer to prepare the next one. When you are ready to move on, FastPictureViewer displays the next picture instantly: no wait, not even a fraction of a second, when your computer has enough spare muscles to load two or more images at once.
FastPictureViewer Pro is the best companion to Adobe Lightroom and other digital asset management systems: use it to weed-out your pictures before importing them for development and editing. FPV Pro has all the tools you need to quickly decide if you want to keep an image or not: full color management for faithful color rendition, instant zooming to 100% and back, to check for sharpness, instant RGB histogram to evaluate the exposure, instant lost shadows / highlights view to see where the blocked-up shadows and burned-out highlights zones are located and their extent, and instant EXIF shooting data at a glance. FastPictureViewer Professional Image Viewer on Windows 7

Consider the following example: say you are a wedding or sports photographer coming back from an assignment with 1000 raw images, taken with a contemporary DSLR (16-20MP range). Your first task is to review those images and select the ones deserving to be further processed. Let's assume you'll pick 10% of the images for processing and printing. You have a contemporary computer with a fast processor and fast disks (for example an Intel i7 machine, with one SSD and a fast SATA drive).

In this example, using FastPictureViewer Pro before Adobe Lightroom to weed-out the 90% of images that you are not going to process right away makes you save about 50 minutes on a 1000 images job. The majority of the saving comes from not importing all images in Lightroom and wait, then delete or set aside the one you don't want. Delete or set aside in FastPictureViewer Pro, then import only the images you intend to keep or process right away into Lightroom.
  Adobe Lightroom Adobe Lightroom and FastPictureViewer Pro
Import & build 1:1 previews (1000 images) 45 minutes(*) ---
Average reviewing time spent per image 1 second x 1000 images = 16-17 minutes(**) 1 second x 1000 images = 16-17 minutes(**)
Time spent waiting for the next image 0.5s x 1000 = 8-9 minutes Virtually zero(***)
Import & build 1:1 previews (only 100 worthy keepers) --- 4-5 minutes
Total Time 1 hour and 10 minutes 20-21 minutes
(*) Average time to import 1000 raw images of about 16-20MP each, and create 1:1 previews for each of them, on an i7-class computer with SSD and SATA discs.
(**) The time spent evaluating an image does not influence the time difference: if it takes you 5 or 10 second to evaluate an image then the total times will of course be much longer, but the time saved stays the the same.
(***) FastPictureViewer Pro preloads images directly in video memory in GPU-accelerated mode and use the graphic processor to speed up operations such as zooming, panning, black & white preview and lost shadow/highlight spotting.
FastPictureViewer Professional's typical workflow
In practice the time saving can be even greater, thanks to the very efficient and speedy operations of FastPictureViewer, which virtually never makes you wait: for example the rating feature, where you give one to five stars to an image or assign it a color label, is instantaneous. If you use the single-click file copy function, you'll find that the program performs the copy operations in background without making you wait, effectively making the file copy appear instant. Everything in FastPictureViewer was designed for speed and efficiency!
The ratings, captions, keywords and color labels set in FastPictureViewer Professional will be readily imported into Adobe Lightroom and other DAM software, thanks to the industry-standard Adobe XMP metadata standards those programs adhere to, making FastPictureViewer Pro the perfect time-saving front-end companion to Adobe Lightroom and other DAM's image development and picture organization features!
FastPictureViewer Professional 1.9
Fastest RAW image viewing and culling for photographers.
The FastPictureViewer Codec Pack 3.5
Robust graphic file formats support for Microsoft Windows.
FastPictureViewer Professional is a color-managed RAW image viewer, built for photographers with the aim to speed up image culling, rating and selection. FastPictureViewer is, quite simply, the quickest image viewer ever built, engineered to take advantage of modern 64-bit hardware and powerful graphic cards, delivered in a slick content-first user interface.
FastPictureViewer Professional Image Viewer running on Windows 7
  • Fast RAW viewing, XMP rating, photo culling...
  • Full color management incl. profiled monitor.
  • Advanced batch file management, web upload.
  • EXIF, IPTC, GPS, XMP, RAW... truly photo-oriented.
  • Most proficient content-first user-interface.
  • Rock-solid, stable and dependable performer.
  • Works perfectly on Macs through Parallels Desktop.
The FastPictureViewer Codec Pack is a Windows extension adding support for many additional image formats to Windows Explorer and codec-enabled applications. Supported formats includes Adobe Photoshop PSD, RAW formats from 460+ digital cameras, HDR formats and formats used in the computer graphics industry, as well as thumbnail support for Adobe InDesign and more.
This product is a one-stop shop for robust additional image formats support in Microsoft Windows, from XP to Windows 8.x, with full native 64 bit support and is trusted and used by the biggest names in the industry, including Sony Online Entertainment, Electronic Arts, Blizzard Entertainments and many more, as well as hundreds of thousands photo studios, photographers, photo enthusiasts and graphic artists in more than 200 countries around the world.

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