Update Patch ETS 2 V. 1.12.1

Update your copy of the game to version 1.12.1!
Please do not apply this patch manually to Steam edition of the game. It will be applied automatically.

What's new in this update:


  • Added truck and trailer browsers
  • Added support for color balance&saturation tweaks to the photo mode
  • Added support for camera roll to the photo mode
  • Added cargo group filter to the job selection screens (e.g. in top left corner of the screen). Requires new attributes we added to game_data.sii so if you have a modded version without those attributes, it will not work.
  • Added missing straps texture
  • Better messages are shown when removable DLC is missing instead of using the message originally intended for MODs
  • Enabling news on the profile page using the "Enable news" button will also load them
  • Fixed visualization of the initially selected button on the mirrors adjuster
  • Fixed speed limits in UK
  • Fixed calculation of vehicle bounding box
  • Fixed crash in delivery log if city is missing as result of mod removal
  • Game will try to fix game time when it is too far behind during game load as the result of use of the MP mod
  • Workaround for possible hang in the truck configurator in profile which was broken by the MP mod
  • Set cargo weights for AI trailers
  • Removed calcium cargo
  • Removed reference to non-existing animation
  • Updated localization
  • Updated credits
Update history:


  • 3 new cities: Venice, Graz, and Klagenfurt with a lot of new kilometers to explore
  • Seat Adjustment feature
  • Several months of tweaks of car AI code
  • Re-designed radio player for with additional sorting and filtering options
  • New Cruise control features
  • Displaying current road speed limit in Route Advisor (disable, or switch car or truck specific limits in options)
  • Complete UI facelift
  • Support for sway bar simulation
  • Refined the truck suspension for more control over truck and trailer stability
  • Recalculated the center of gravity of each cargo (more individual behavior of the whole rig)
  • Controls to adjust trailer stability in options
  • Improve collisions of player's truck and AI vehicles
  • Re-created all scratch and crash sounds in the game
  • Equalized the sound volume of in-cabin engine sounds and external engine sounds for all trucks
  • More realistic timing for the air brake sound
  • Retarder indicator is lit during automatic retarder usage
  • Ability to sell a garage
  • Ability to relocate your headquarters to another city
  • View the full changelog


  • Support for metallic paintjobs.
  • Fixed possible rare hang or crash.
  • Physics parameters of the fifth wheel are configurable in physics.sii
  • Updated accessories to support paintjobs
  • Corrected speed limits in Austria, Belgium and Germany
  • Tweaked prices and unlock levels of some accessories
  • Fixed acceleration of traffic
  • Tweaked accessories of traffic trucks (badges, mirrors and sunshields)
  • Fixed various bugs in truck and trailer models

Terima Kasih Telah Berkunjung, Semoga Bermanfaat dan Jangan Lupa Komentar ya.....!!!!

2 Responses to "Update Patch ETS 2 V. 1.12.1"

  1. i need serial number fo v1.12.1.. where i find the serial number??

    1. please download here http://sh.st/yzk25
      Thanks for visiting :D

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