GOM Player

GOM Player – GOM Player adalah sebuah pemutar multimedia yang gratis dengan format video dan audio yang populer sudah berada didalamnya. Support beberapa format seperti AVI, DAT, MPEG, DivX, XviD, WMV, ASF. Pengguna tidak usah menginstall codec yang terpisah. Anda juga dapat mengambil sebuah screenshot saat memutar video. Gunakan multimedia player yang pintar dan mudah.
Fitur :Free!
  • GOM Media Player is completely free for everyone to download and use.
Comprehensive File Support
  • GOM Media Player can play all the most popular video formats by default: AVI, MP4, MKV, FLV, WMV, MOV, and more!
Play 360 degrees VR video
  • – Able to watch from up, down, left, and right, 360 degrees around, by just using the keyboard or mouse
  • – Supports preview with side views from front, back, left, and right as well as screen transition
  • – Provides search and play functions for 360 YouTube videos
Advanced Features
  • With a wide variety of advanced features like A-B repeat, screen capture, Media Player capture, playback speed control, and video effects, GOM Media Player allows you do much more than simply play your videos.
  • GOM Media Player’s skinable interface and advanced filter controls make it highly customizable, allowing users to personalize their experience to fit their needs. Download new skins and logos from the GOM Media Player website!
Codec Finder
  • Some uncommon video types aren’t supported by GOM Media Player by default. When you try to watch these videos, GOM Media Player’s Codec Finder service will search for the one you’re missing and direct you to a place where you can read more and/or download the missing codec.

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